Even though no one really wants to admit it most of us have tried tinder because I mean.. why not. Whether we meet up with the person or not, everyone loves a bit of a swipe. It’s come to my attention that boys love to go for a lame pick up line for example “I want to hide all of the chairs in the world so you have no choice but to sit on my face”. This particular “pick up line” (not sure who it’s picking up) seems to be a favourite of boys (NOTE: boys NOT men) aged 18-28. There are few problems with this pickup line so let’s go ahead and point them out, shall we?

  1. It’s creepy AF, I get it’s tinder but I mean come on… wouldn’t it just be easier to say, I don’t know, ah what’s that word… oh that’s right, HELLO?
  2. It makes you seem like you only want one thing, which is fine but you could at least call me pretty first…
  3. It just makes us girls angry and make us clap back with something completely unwarranted and insensitive (unless that’s just me..)
  4. We WILL send it to all four of our group chats therefore ruining your chances with AT LEAST 10 girls
  5. If there was no chairs left in the world, I’d just sit on the ground? I mean, come on….

To test the theory of whether guys ACTUALLY think pickup lines could possibly work on girls I took on the task of messaging guys a lame pick up line to see if they would respond how I would (abusively, calling me disgusting, telling me to get a life etc.) OR if they’d run with it. If they ran with it, I would be a little less forgiving next time I receive one of these lame messages because it would prove to me that they genuinely think that this works…

So let’s take it away shall we, here are screenshots from all the boys I sent the same pickup line to.. Have I lost faith in men? Basically.

IMG_2104.jpgIMG_2105.jpg       IMG_2098.jpg


To be fair the pick up line was quite tame but I was shocked at just how many guys would get in the sack straight away with just any girl! Boys, if you’re reading this… next time try taking her on a date, it’ll almost double your chances… And steer clear of lame pick up lines, for God’s sake.

Girl’s, remember, we’re always in control.. Feel free to steal that pick up line if you just want a bit of fun, clearly guys don’t often say no! And remember, it’s okay to be a Samantha in a world of girls wanting to be a Carrie.