You know that shoulder pain that you get from your handbag that forces you to do a cleanout and decide what you REALLY need to lug around with you everywhere? Everyone does it (only after looking at potential shoulder surgery of course because… drag) and we’ve decided to make it a little easier.

We’ve made a list of the things we think absolutely necessary to have on you at all times.

  1. Lip balm - This is an absolute MUST the amount of times I’m out and about and my lips start to chap and I need a balm is ridiculous. Our go to? The Malin+Goetz lip moisturiser. Not only is this lip balm super moisturising but it also doubles as a gloss - win!
  2. Press Powder - There's nothing worse on a hot summers day than being hot and sweaty and not being able to do anything about it. A little bit of powder to the t-zone does WONDERS!
  3. An umbrella - There’s nothing worse than walking somewhere and being caught in the rain with no umbrella, especially in Melbourne when the weather changes in an instant! A small fold up umbrella takes up hardly any space and saves you from a bad hair day.
  4. A pen - Have you ever been somewhere and needed to sign something but not had a pen on hand? This is exactly why I carry one with me anywhere! It’s also a great way to make friends, having a pen as an adult is like having gum in high school, EVERYONE will want to be your friend.
  5. Gum/Mints - Leading on from our last point, it’s so important to always have gum or mints on you. There’s nothing worse than bad breath and you never know when you might just need fresh breath… If you know what we mean.
  6. Perfume - As we all know perfume tends to lose its scent as the day goes on. If you’re running from meeting to meeting it’s important to always feel fresh, which a quick spritz of perfume is perfect for!
  7. Deodorant - Again, no one likes a smelly gal.
  8. Bandaids - If you have a long day of walking around, particularly if you’re in new shoes, you can never let a few bandaids go astray. You’ll thank me later, trust me!
  9. Panadol/Nurofen - There's nothing worse than being out and about with friends or at work and getting an awful headache. Always carry painkillers!
  10. Portable Phone Charger - Because what’s worse than having real human interaction?!

Of course we wish we could go on with more but we aren’t all Mary Poppins, I personally would take my entire apartment with me everywhere if I could!

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